A few of the things that I am exploring, reflecting upon, and just plain curious about this week:

Reading: I have been switching back-and-forth among a couple of different books for a few weeks now. I, finally, took a break from my Kindle and decided to read something that I will need come 10th April – Puppies for Dummies. I am welcoming an addition to my family next month…and as a first-time dog owner, I am nervous. Any tips?

Something new that I am trying out: My cousin recommended audio books to me. I’ve always viewed audiobooks as a bit of cheat and decided that I needed to try it before I slam it. I’ve downloaded Lincoln in the Bardot – got to admit that so far, audiobook is a hit for me. One run, one hour down. Multitasking zindabaad.

Who has been inspiring me this week: Mahdi Gilbert – an 8 minute combo of entertainment and inspiration for your coffee break on YouTube here. Who does not love a spot of magic?

Ruminating over this line from Vivek Murthy’s Together: “Small irritations can lead to exaggerated reactions” in the wake of events this week. Indeed, if left unattended, small irritations can quickly build to contentiousness. It’s best to nip conflict in the bud, but by definition, conflict resolution is tricky, be it in with your spouse, child, colleague or client. Here is an article about successfully navigating out of conflict and into collaboration How to Negotiate Using the FBI’s 5-Step Hostage Strategy. Step one: “active listening.”

Quote of the week: “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde